than just to ward off the chilly night, a campfire is a place where
family and friends gather to lounge and chat, roast marshmallows, or
simply stare into the glowing coals and let the mind wander.
before you can reach such nirvana, you should know how to start a
campfire. And really, it's not that hard...
STEP 1: Gather Your Tools
a bit more to building a great campfire than simply placing a few
logs in a heap and tossing on a match. Here's what you'll need:
smallest and easiest burning materials used to get a campfire
next step up in size. Usually twigs or small branches between 1/8
inch and 1/2 inch in diameter.
crown of an inviting campfire. Firewood can vary anywhere from 1 inch
to 5 inches in diameter. It can be whole logs, or split down from
larger pieces. It's important that your firewood is completely dry in
order to start easily and stay lit.
Note: Don't break branches off trees for firewood. If everyone did
this there wouldn't be any forests left. Some forest management
agencies permit you to pick up fallen limbs but ask first.
or a lighter—how else are you going to get your campfire
started? Common stick matches are fine, although gas lighters used
for starting BBQ grills are gaining in popularity.
STEP 2: Build the Fire
you can start a campfire, you have to build it first.
your site has a fire ring, you'll probably have to push the ash and
charcoal from previous fires to the outer edge of the ring to give
you enough room for the new fire. For ashes that are stone cold,
consider shoveling them into a plastic trash bag for proper disposal
you have to create your own fire pit, clear away any dead grass or
vegetation for 8 to 10 feet around. You want bare dirt. Then dig down
into the cleared soil several inches and set the loose dirt off to
one side for use in case of emergency. You can mound the dirt around
the sides of the pit to act as a firewall, or place large rocks
around the edge of the pit to insulate the fire.
at the center of the fire ring, lay a bed of tinder perhaps a foot in
diameter. (Remember, tinder is the really light, quick burning
1. The
Teepee Fire: This style is good for cooking. First,
arrange your kindling in teepee fashion over your tinder. Then build
a larger teepee of firewood over the kindling. When lit, the flames
will rise up through the kindling and into the larger wood.
2. The
Lean-to Fire: This style is also good for cooking. Start
by sticking a long piece of kindling into the ground above your
tinder at about a 30-degree angle, with the other end of the stick
pointing into the wind. Then lean smaller pieces of kindling against
both sides of the longer piece to build a tent. As the kindling
catches fire add more, followed by your firewood.
3. The
Cross Fire: This is ideal for a long-lasting fire. Start
by laying your kindling over the tinder bed in a crisscross fashion,
followed by your logs or firewood.
4. The
Log Cabin Fire: Another long-lasting fire. Begin by
creating a kindling teepee over your tinder, then lay two logs on
either side of the cone. Place two more logs on top of these to form
a square. Then build up using smaller and shorter pieces of firewood
until you've formed a cabin. Top off the cabin with some of your
lightest kindling.
STEP 3: Light the Fire
it's time to enjoy the results of your labor. Remember to keep
children and pets safely away, then light your tinder. For best
results light the tinder from several sides. Don't squirt charcoal
lighter fluid into a fire; flames could travel up the stream and burn
you. And NEVER use gasoline!
your campfire is established, feed it with additional wood as needed,
taking care not to build the flames too high. Be sure to keep your
fire extinguishing tools nearby, and never leave a fire unattended,
even for a moment.
Putting Out Your Fire
the evening is over, it's your responsibility to put your campfire
out completely so give yourself plenty of time to do the job right.
by sprinkling—not pouring—water onto the flames or coals. Don't
flood the fire ring or pit as you or the next camper will want to use
it later.
you sprinkle, stir the embers with a stick or shovel to ensure that
all the coals get wet. Once the steam has subsided and you no longer
hear any hissing sounds you're just about done.
you head off to bed or pack up to leave, place the back of your hand
just above the wet ashes. Don't touch them as they could still be
hot. Don't feel any heat? Then the fire is out. If it still feels
warm add more water and stir until the fire bed is cold.
the proper fire ring or pit, the right tinder, kindling and firewood,
plus selecting the style of campfire that best meets your
preferences, you and your family can safely enjoy an evening under
the stars while making s'mores.
Don't Forget: Safety First
is the most important factor when learning how to start a
campfire—especially if you have kiddie campers. A 2011 study
revealed that a person is injured by fire every 30 minutes, so stay
alert as dancing flames have a magnetic quality that draws people