How will you earn money? How will you choose where to go? Will you need good cell reception for internet? Are you going to have solar for power or a generator? How will you find water and sewer dumps? It's a little more like caveman living. You will have to 'hunt' for these things! ? (Full disclosure- I have done it on my own, but now my traveling partner does most of the work of finding these things!)
The good news is boondocking is almost always free, you get way better views than in a campground, and you have much more privacy and peace and quiet. This may be a major factor in your decision. It can make or break living the lifestyle for some. Think about if you are the type of person who likes these types of challenges of if you prefer a more 'luxe' lifestyle. If you're 'luxe', you may be a campground/stick in one spot kind of person. Also, keep in mind that the more expensive campgrounds are going to be the nicer ones. If you want 'luxe', you will be paying a very high price for it.